18 things I acknowledge about my Son who is 18 today! 1. He is a Gift; 2. He is creative;  3. He is Smart; 4. He is Sensitive; 5. He is generous; 6. He is Kind; 7. He is Friendly; 8. He is talented; 9. He is funny; 10. He is humble; 11. He is strong; 12. He is open hearted and Minded 13. He is calm; 14. He is sharp in his thinking; 15. He is vulnerable ; 16. He is eloquent 17. He is loving 18. He is Handsome. and these are only 18 that I highlight! much more is evident and visible.It was 18 years ago I welcomed Philip into our family and to this life that might not always be fair to him. Yet he has grown up with tears, laughter, struggles, passions, pain and Joy with much change, and in spite of it all he has persevered. He has managed to discover and is actively further discovering who he is, and as  a Proud Father I guess you would think I would be bragging about Him, Well you got it, If Fathers dont pride in their children what can they pride in? We are to form and educate our children, and I have seen in philip a willing heart and an industrious young man. I also have tasted the loneliness the fears and and uncertainties! There are thing a Parent can never withhold His children, we can live in the fear of life’s harshness and tragedy … I choose to hope and trust in who Philip is becoming … I want to blog about him as he is dear to me and my heart longs to see him be the best philip he can be!Philip Christoph, a unique combination with a unique signature of the creator.A proud Father (Joz)

3 Responses

  1. Hi, we have met about 10 years ago, at Brightmark’s lunch in Pretoria. For some reason you were on my mind recently, so I looked you up. Great to see that you are still Educating. Luba

    1. Wow that was a while ago .. I remember you Luba, How is Life? Still living Incarnational Creativity and teaching it .. yep! Are you still in Pretoria?And what were you thinking? You on Facebook? Look me up on Facebook! Blessings!

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