Da ….. Code (part 1)

This blog will have 2 parts .. One before seeing the movie that has a similar title as this blog, and the second part will come after having watched the movie! Da ….. code is about to hit the cinema's … this week worldwide! i will watch it asap! Part 1: When the book was […]

Relevare …

Is the Latin word by which we derive the word relevance, or relavant, meaning “raising up”! What is it that catches our ear? our sight? or our heart? Relevance is what makes a speaker and their theme, look or emotion so captivating to its audience. But what is the key that helps us become more […]

ouch-tegration …

… is integration gone wrong! It has always amazed me that the world is a place that says and reflects "we are integrated" but is quite in segregation. I believe it seeks integration … meaning let us remove the gaps between us and let us put into the past that which we were and doing […]


Its awesome to know that technology is becoming portable and available everywhere (at least in the west). I am writing this post from my PDA, that has a built in QWERTY keyboard & WiFi capabilities. so whereever i am, if given access over wireless network i could post something. So, is it good to have […]

Sinsile (Community) …

… is the gathering of many individuals, right? Well not really. The Word community comes from communion … right? No! Its source originates from the Latin for communis. What really makes a community is not numbers or common dwelling (even though that helps!) What makes a community is their common ownership. No this is not […]