Pivotal …

high angle photo of roads

How importnat is the smallest of all decision that we daily make in the split of the split of sconds! I wonder, We often think that small decisions are not as pivotal! We base our experience on how pivotal something was on the outcome of that decision, and not on the decision just before that […]

beauty …

I was once challenged that I made a link between the fact that “… if beauty is in the eye of the beholder … then we have to say that Truth can be in the eye of the beholder!” and so, saying that there are many beauties and many Truth’s? It was interesting that these […]

Torn …

red amazon danbo on brown wooden surface

Pressure can tear things apart, right? If pressure is present in our hearts and our lives we soon all realize the result is pain … But in this age and time we have no room, no time and no longing for pain anymore. We are being educated and told that comfort is the life we […]

Patience …

It was a year ago today that we flew in to Cape Town, a trip that was the beginning of journey that was to end after 6 months. Now here we are in Montreal and still awaiting this journey to end sooner than later. Our goal is the move to Kona, Hawaii, as most of […]

Relationship …

We are created out of a relationship between 2 beings; we are born into relationships, family, race, people, nation and so on! Our very existence is based on the relationships we then choose to embrace or denounce! Most of us by the age of 18, have decided what relationships we are seeking, who we are […]